Sally-Anne Hayward
Sally-Anne Hayward

Sally-Anne Hayward

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Sally-Anne Hayward er en prisvinnende komiker (Best UK Compere 2019 and Holsten Pils ‘Fans of Comedy’ Award), tekstforfatter og konferansier med en lang merittliste. Hun er jevnlig konferansier på The Comedy Store og Glastonbury Festival, og har vært turnésupport for Sarah Millican, Russell Howard, Suzi Ruffell, Hal Cruttendon og Jason Manford. Hun er også kjent for en lang rekke opptredener i TV, radio og podkast. Nå er hun klar for å innta Skandinavia med sitt hysterisk morsomme show, Egg Shortage!

«Sally-Anne Hayward has figured out her niche is filling that accessible naughty but niceness of early Sarah Millican… whatever she’s selling, we’re buying: the pitch is so practised, so elegant, so unobtrusive you’ll struggle not to laugh.»
– British Comedy Guide

«Exceptionally funny»
– The Independent

«Wickedly funny»
– Sarah Millican

Sally's approaching a certain age. No need for numbers - but getting sweaty at night no longer involves someone else having to be there. So, is she worried about being 'over the hill'? Well not enough to stop her rolling playfully down the other side. Join her for hilarious tales of dating apps, fragile neighbours, and trying to hold in farts on a yoga retreat.

Homepage // Instagram // Twitter // Spit or Swallow Podcast
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