Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
Lyle Forever
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Kort om Lyle Forever

Lyle Forever has taken the world by storm with his hit podcast, TherapyGecko. Lyle’s unique perspective, curious ear, and green face paint hasstruck a chord with millions of fans around the world as he combines comedy andhuman interest stories by talking through strangers' sometimes wholesome,sometimes bizarre, problems and situations. Lyle has taken his show all overEurope, Australia, Japan, and the US and performed at some of the biggest musicfestivals in the country, including Bonnaroo and Electric Forest. His podcasthas featured major names like Lil Yachty, Denzel Curry, Eric Andre, DannyBrown, Bobby Lee, and others. Now, Lyle is excited to announce “The LizardAgenda Tour” for 2024.

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Lyle Forever
Manager for Lyle Forever